(New York) Rallying to the side of his fair and balanced reporter, Fox News chief Roger Ailes charged that Bill Clinton’s unprovoked attack on Chris Wallace was evidence that the former President’s “hatred for journalists is showing.” Ailes was referring to the interview in which Wallace’s reasonable question regarding Clinton’s culpability for 9/11 resulted in the former Liar-in-Chief calling Matthew’s sexuality into question.
Clinton’s malice toward the media was a well-guarded secret during his reign, a conspiracy of silence ironically aided by the liberal mainstream media. Unreported, for example, was his 1994 “bitch-slap” of Katie Couric during a commercial break on the set of the Today show. A search of lexis-nexus revealed no mention in the media of Clinton’s 1995 assault of Walter Cronkite with a 9-iron. More recently, little attention was paid to his off-the-cuff wish that CBS News correspondent Kimberly Dozier would be seriously injured in a car-bomb incident…shortly before she was seriously injured in a car-bomb incident.
While most reporters only suffered bruised egos and spleens as a result of Clinton’s irrational hatred, others weren’t so fortunate. “Had Bill Clinton not been responsible for 9/11, I might never have gone to prison or suffered the hardships I face every day,” accurately accused martyr Judith Miller as she counted the advance she received in anticipation of her soon-to-be-published biography. “If he had done his job Osama and Saddam would have been dead, and no one would’ve cared about Nigerian uranium, much less Valerie Plame.”